Trashing the World 2
Trashing the World 3


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1. Peebles Hydro   2. Spean Bridge  3. Prague  4. Amsterdam

1. The least said about this event the better. Put it this way, it’s a sordid tale and you’ll be better off not knowing. Trust me.

2. Jennifer, Barbara & Louise - Spean Bridge Commando War Memorial, Scotland.

3. Prague, Czech Republic, January 1997. So cold that Lord Robbo was forced to drink huge amounts of the local beer in order to maintain normal body temperature.

4. Amsterdam, April 1994. Lord Robbo’s 40th birthday was spent in the red - light district taking notes.


Since 1993 all family members of the Robbo Clan have had a microchip ID implanted behind the left temporal lobe of their brains. For the first few years this operation was performed behind closed doors by Lord Robbo himself but, after an unfortunate slip of the scalpel in the case of young Princess Jennifer Robbo, it is now carried out under strict Veterinary supervision. Police Forces nationwide have welcomed the fact that they are now able to keep a full track of where each of the Robbo miscreants are at any one time. An incident in 1997 involving a suspected badger road kill and a blood-spattered car bumper was soon cleared up satisfactorily thanks to this advanced technology.


[Even more rubbish]

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